Sunday, 24 July 2011

Before the journey begins

It's just over two weeks until my boyfriend Dan and I take off to Europe. As a record for myself, and to update my friends and family on my travels, I've decided to create this blog.

Two weeks until I leave is not a very long time considering I first started to contemplate this trip a year ago. It started as a fleeting idea, and then seemed to become more and more possible and achieveable as I started to look into visas and travel options. Then Dan and I decided in February this year to 'just do it' and before we knew it we had flights, visas, busabout tours and work contacts organised.

I feel like I'm on the edge of a change at the moment. While I love my life, friends and family in Australia, I know travelling to Europe and living in London will irrevocably change me. But I still want to stay true to the person I am and who I want to be.

I decided to travel because I wanted to experience something different - to challenge myself in ways my career and current life couldn't do, to learn more about myself and about the big world out there.

Choosing the name for this blog was very easy as it's become my mantra and goal for my trip. The name comes from the recent song 'It can wait' by the artist Illy and the lyrics go a little like this...
"For the moment it can wait, I'm addicted to the chase of my happiness".

And that's what this year is about for me - to travel, learn new things, experience historical wonders, marvel at a different part of the world. But most of all, to have a year to 'chase my happiness' and appreciate each and every moment.

My next post will be when we have arrived in Europe, and I hope to keep this up to date with photos and memories from travelling around.

Until then, wish me luck and I'll say hi again from London!